On Sept 9th, I worked on my writing.  We made an appt for Wednesday at a auto place to have our son's car fixed of an antifreeze leak.  I called my mother.  She is doing better, and will probably come home tomorrow.  Thank you for your prayers.

On the 10th, one of our neighbor ladies called me.  Her husband, who had severe health issues, died at home this morning.  He was 80 yo.  Please pray for her and all who knew him.  Lane and I went over to her house, prayed with her, and talked with her.  We took a dinner to her tonight.  Gave a tract to a fast food place clerk.  We watched the Trump-Harris debate.  I cannot tell you how troubled we are at the terrible candidates our nation has running for the highest office in the land!  None of the Presidential and VP candidates are actually Christian, based on their own words compared to the Bible!  Please pray for them, and for our nation!  We don't deserve mercy, but we need it badly!  Pray that for the sake of the unborn babies, and the young children, that the Lord will have mercy on us, and do whatever is necessary to bring us back to Him!  I believe we are at the worst time that the USA has ever seen.  Pray!

On the 11th, our son and I took his car to the auto repair shop.  Lane's sister and her husband picked up their mother, who has been staying with us the past two weeks.  Please pray for our brother-in-law, who has serious health issues, and will need treatment for them.  Lane and I went to Walmart, and got three thumb drives, to back up everything on her very old laptop.  I gave a tract to the clerk.  We are buying two new Apple laptops today.  We got lunch at a fast food place, and I gave a tract to the clerk.  We drove to an Apple store near our church, and bought two new MacBook 13 laptops.  Yea!  It has been about eight years since we last bought computers, and we need them for our new publishing house.  We gave three tracts to the "genius" staffers, as they call themselves.  One of them asked if the tract has anything about LBTQ.  I told him no, just about the gospel.  That seemed to satisfy him.  Please pray for all the people to whom we give tracts!  We ate dinner at a BBQ place, and gave a tract to the young lady clerk.  She asked us if we were old enough to have used birds to mail our letters at one time.  She was asking about carrier pigeons!  Wow.  She seemed serious; I don't think it was a prank or joke.  Then I dropped Lane at our church for choir rehearsal.  She loves it, and I am so glad that she gets to be in a church choir after 20 years, when we were at our last Kentucky church!  They listened to all the fall music and all the Christmas music that the choir will be singing the next few months.  She enjoyed the time very much.

On Sept 12th, we worked on the yard and the basement, and I worked on my writing.  The auto shop called.  The repairs will be a little over a thousand.  Whew.  Our neighbor called, and asked me to speak at her deceased husband's memorial service.  It will be Tuesday the 17th.  Please be in prayer for Lane and I, and of course the family and friends at this service.  Thank you.  We ate dinner, and gave a tract to the clerk.

On the 13th, we finally got some rain after about four weeks!  I worked on my writing.  We got groceries and gave a tract to the clerk.  We are working on learning how to use our new computers, whew!

On the 14th, .

Thank you so much for your prayers, and please continue to lift us up!

Food for Thought and Prayer:

I only have one hope in life—to be used of God.  As the poor little donkey rebuked the madness of the prophet, and as the rooster’s crow aroused an apostle and brought him to repentance, I pray that God may be willing to use such an unworthy instrument as I.  —A. W. Tozer, A Man of God

Did you know that there are around 31 ethnicities that have a population of over 1 million people in the USA?  God has brought the nations to our doorstep.  Obedience to the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations may only require a short drive across town or a stroll across the street.  —Tyler Eiland

In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.  —Martin Luther King, Jr.  This applies to proclaiming the Gospel and the words of Jesus Christ.  —Richard Graham

Too many church services start at eleven sharp and end at twelve dull.  —Vance Havner

(Preaching at the funeral of a friend) – We say we “lost” Brother John.  You haven't lost anything when you know where it is.  John is in heaven.  Death can hide but it cannot divide.  —Vance Havner

The church is so subnormal that if it ever got back to normal it would seem to people to be abnormal.  —Vance Havner

If we don't come apart; we will come apart.  —Vance Havner

Satan is not fighting churches, he is joining them.  —Vance Havner

Where there is an open mind, there will always be a frontier.  –Charles Kettering

The will to conquer is the first condition of victory.  –Ferdinand Foch

Great crisis produce great men and great deeds of courage.  –John F. Kennedy

We can have all of the good ideas.  We can develop all the programs, but until we are daily following our Great Commission calling, it doesn't matter.  It's on me, and it's on all of us.  —Johnny Hunt

Evangelist Gypsy Smith was once asked how to start a revival.  He answered: “Go home, lock yourself in your room, kneel down in the middle of your floor.  Draw a chalk mark all around yourself and ask God to start the revival inside that chalk mark.  When He has answered your prayer, the revival will be on.”

What if you discovered that you had broken a felony law because you saw others doing the same.  Let's say you and they trespassed on private property, and as you did so, you destroyed extremely valuable disease-healing crops, which to you had appeared to be ordinary weeds.  The damages are huge, and you, as well as the others, will have to work for many, many years-in fact, your entire lives plus more-to pay back the owner for the damages.  But the owner's son has compassion on all of you, and he offers to pay for the damages out of his inheritance from his father.  Would you accept his offer to pay your debt?   As the Bible says, All have sinned, and the wages of sin is eternal death, but the gift of God is eternal life thru Christ His Son.  Will you accept God's gift through His Son Jesus?  The choice is yours.  —Richard Graham

I find it as difficult to understand a scientist who does not acknowledge the presence of a superior rationality behind the existence of the universe as it is to comprehend a theologian who would deny the advances of science.  —Wernher von Braun, German-American rocket scientist

Take heed you speak not peace to yourself before God speaks it.  —John Owen

When a people is corrupted, the press may be made an engine to complete their ruin.  --John Adams

Hannah’s helplessness drove her to prayerfulness, which led to her fruitfulness, which displayed God’s faithfulness.  —Ryan Mann

The Two GREATEST TERRORIST attacks on America!  "The two greatest attacks of terror on America were perpetrated by the Supreme Court.  Not by any Muslim, but by the Supreme Court of the United States. ~~ The first one was the legalizing of abortion. Subsequent to that, there have been millions of babies slaughtered in the wombs of their mothers.  It’s incalculable to even comprehend that.  The blood of those lives cries out from the ground for divine vengeance on this nation.~~ The second great act of terror perpetrated by the Supreme Court was the legalization of same-sex marriage.  The destruction of human life in the womb—in a sense, the destruction of motherhood—and now the destruction of the family itself.  No bomb, no explosion, no attack, and no assault on people physically can come anywhere near that kind of terrorism." ~~ Pastor John MacArthur

If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies.  —Robert Murray M’Cheyne

He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.  —Muhammad Ali

I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance.  —John D. Rockefeller

What is YOUR Ultimate Problem?  DON'T MISS OUT--see the drop-down menu showing  the link UNDER "Solving Our Ultimate Problem" above for more information, please!

If someone you speak to today dies tomorrow, will you be satisfied with the last thing that you said to them?  Share Jesus and the Gospel!  It is very easy with a tract.