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Food for Thought and Prayer:
Our children are not falling away because the church is doing a poor job. Our children are falling away because we are asking the church to do what God designed the family to accomplish. —Voddie Baucham
It pays to know the enemy—not least because at some time you may have the opportunity to turn him into a friend. —Margaret Thatcher
The strongest evidence that you have been born again is the fruit of a changed life that only God can produce. —Steven Lawson
Peace does not mean you will not have problems. Peace means your problems will not have you. —Tony Evans
God is not who you think He is. He is what and who He says He is. —unknown
Liberals think conservatives are violent because we own guns. When was the last time you saw a group of conservatives block a freeway, turn over cop cars, riot, loot, throw molotov cocktails, and burn buildings? —unknown
Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal. –Vince Lombardi
Put your future in good hands—your own. --Mark Victor Hansen. Better yet--God’s. --Richard Graham
It is not the position, but the disposition. – J. E. Dinger
Jesus told the story of the prodigal to make a simple point: never mind what you’ve done, just come home. —unknown
A woman once (supposedly) said to Charles Spurgeon, “I cannot understand why God should say that He hated Esau.”
“That,” Spurgeon replied, “is not my difficulty, madam. My trouble is to understand how could God love Jacob.”
Assuming this is a true story, Spurgeon should have referred the woman and himself to John 3:16-17. Also, the terms ‘hate’ and ‘love’ are referring to the choosing of Jacob, and not Esau, to be the line through which the Messiah would come. They do not refer to actual hating and loving of the two men. In addition, both Esau and Jacob were saved. To see that Esau was saved as much as Jacob, just look at the change in Esau from the time he wanted to murder Jacob (Genesis 27:41), to the time Jacob greets him with the statement, “Seeing your face is like seeing the face of God!” (Genesis 33:4-10) Remember, Jacob had just wrestled with God in the form of the Angel (Genesis 32:22). Esau had been transformed by God, so that his attitude towards Jacob was also changed. He was a converted man. —Richard Graham
Scripture treats spiritual warfare as a normal, everyday part of the Christian life, and so we should as well. It’s not about spooky special effects. It’s about how we think, feel, live, desire, and act in the presence of our enemies. —David Powlison
It is at once the most Christlike and the most happy course for a believer to cease from living to himself. —C. H. Spurgeon
Why should we proclaim the wisdom of men when we have the privilege of preaching the Word of God? —John MacArthur
Though sin often brings immediate pleasure, it gives no lasting joy. —R. C. Sproul
No people can be truly happy … if abridged of the freedom of their consciences. —William Penn
Wherever you have animal worship, you will have human sacrifice. —G. K. Chesterton
It’s true. If Planned Parenthood was selling puppy body parts, they would have been closed down yesterday. —Chuck Woolery
Daniel Webster stated in 1802: Miracles do not cluster, and what has HAPPENED ONCE IN 6,000 YEARS, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.
Facts don’t care about your feelings. —unknown
If you get the gospel right, everything falls in place; if you get it wrong, everything falls apart. —Dr. Franklin L. Kirksey
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If someone you speak to today dies tomorrow, will you be satisfied with the last thing that you said to them? Share Jesus and the Gospel! It is very easy with a tract.