3rd Quarter 2022 RV Ministry Summary:
During these three months, we gave away 106 gospel tracts to people. No one refused any of them. I also gave a supply of Spanish language tracts to the Hispanic pastor at our church.
We sold our cargo trailer to the owner of a local restaurant. It did very well for transporting the motor scooters, when we were using them in the campgrounds.
Lane and I trained 17 people at our church in using tracts, testimonies (bragging on God’s blessing to you), the Share Jesus Without Fear phone app, and The Way of the Master witnessing method. I hope to do the same in the churches of our local association. Please pray for that.
Lane has been given a dozen or more woodworking tools—electric power saws, planer, jointer, etc.—from her father, who did woodworking for over 60 years. She plans to use these to make various crafts and projects.
I am working on a book which I have been planning for several months. I will share more about it when it is done.
I attend our church's outreach (door-knocking to invite people to our church), which occurs on most Sunday afternoons.
We celebrated our 48th wedding anniversary on August 17th, and celebrated Lane’s birthday on September 20th.
We are thoroughly enjoying our home. We plan to make more RV trips, but we have to get a new RV refrigerator first, and let the gas prices come down. Until then, we will not be making these quarterly RV Ministry Reports. However, we will be putting updates on this ministry on our Facebook site and on the website www.godzfriends.net.